that eventually relate ( maybe only in my mind)
If this makes sense to your mind, too, and you get what I'm trying to say, I would love if you tell me that somehow. Or if you don't agree. Or any response, really.
1. A local high school's month has been interrupted several times by bomb threats. The kids are herded to the stadium, entire classes are skipped, and nothing else happens. The police investigate, rumors abound, and no one is charged.
At dinner last night, a few HS students were discussing another recent event:
The HS is collecting biometrics of all students (hand prints) for the purpose of 'purchasing school lunch'. Whether you historically pack lunch or purchase lunch, it's mandatory.
Non-participants must have a waiver signed by parents.
Fascinating: The students understand perfectly. "They know that no one will remember to get that waiver signed by the deadline."
And even, "Yeah, suddenly 'a better way to buy lunch' becomes top priority after all these bomb threats. Right."
2. I read an "OMGFact" that excited me so much:
There is now technology that can create visual representations of dreams. Supposedly, the majority of our dreams go unremembered. So now, with this device that translates unconscious thought into visible narrative, we'll have documentation.
It could have cool applications for stroke patients or others who have limitations of expression.
But then I started thinking, "Hey! That's probably not why they want to develop this technology at all."
These applications could be very, very cool...unless of course yours is the brain being plundered.
3. I've joked that the iPhone (what's the i stand for? illuminati!! haha) is the mark of the beast (hold it in HAND, train eye (FOREHEAD) on it) because I've been in groups in which all are fixated on iPhones, and it's funny to me.
But reality is: the microchip may be coming. It's even....likely, I think.
They chip pets now. I think they've talked about putting medical info in chips. Why not financial information? Scan your hand instead of a card when checking out? Very convenient.
I was talking to a person who suggested:
First generation -- Basic data, justification: security for kids, medical info for safety
Second generation chip -- Purchasing power
Third generation chip -- 'Read' thoughts
Fourth generation chip -- 'Read-write' capability
He also said something about the write code in some programming language having three 6's.
What These Things Made me Think About
I remember a time when I was engaged in a spiritual battle of a kind. I expressed frustration that, as a believer, I have to show so much restraint in the way I 'battle'. I can't return certain 'blows', and it's very, very frustrating. My pastor said simply: "Well, we fight with different weapons."
The 3 things above make me think about one of God's 'rules of engagement': How he does not usurp man's free will.
This is maddening to me. He could, he has the power.
He could have killed Hitler in the womb, he could have made rapists impotent, he could have foiled the efforts of the atom bomb inventors, he could make the right 2 people fall in love with each other, he could make the right sperm penetrate the right ovum, and on and on and on.
I am not really precisely why I have a problem with the above 3 scenarios, but it does elicit something yucky in me (like, a wary response). And I can see that it's a violation of freedom in each scenario.
So for one little second, I can accept the way God doesn't always intervene in the ways that would so obviously 'fix' a situation.
Force/coercion/manipulation just aren't his style.
And it makes sense, of course, because those things violate personal freedom, and setting people free is, after all, his M.O.