
Monday, March 3, 2008

Philip Yancey

I love him. 'Disappointment with God' is one of his best books. It's about Job, and what to do with a shattered life. I'm reading his book on Prayer right now. Entire paragraphs are quotable.

I hear people use the word "edgy", sometimes in a shallow way ("has a tattoo in a visible spot"), sometimes in a more meaningful way ("not afraid to say the truth even if some get uncomfortable.")

I was thinking that Philip Yancey is edgy exactly in that meaningful way, and in an even better way- He is not afraid to go out to the edges and empathize with the hurt, the lost, the marginalized. He practically lives there, if his writing is any indication.
But I don't think he's bitter, or just being a contrarian just for it's own sake. (Someone called me that once. I had to come to terms with it!)

If you read through, you realize that he's grounded. If you can stick with his logic, you realize he's not breaking with the community of believers-he's making a bridge.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yo! You gave good directions!