
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 Resolutions

Discussed this with Cindy.

I really don't want to make zero resolutions.
And if I do 2,013 resolutions, most of them will have to be things I already do such as "Wear my retainers", which Cindy objected to as 'resolutions'. But I told her, who can possibly come up with that many new things to do in a year?
And she said, "Exactly."
So I thought it would be 44 resolutions...
But, she's brilliant:

She said just do 13. One per month, and then an extra one.

And I said YESSSSS. Except one per month, and then one BIG OVERARCHING YEARLONG ONE for the entire year.

So that's what I'm going to do.

Going to fill in this:

2013: The Year of Living ______________ly

January: ______________
February: _____________
April: __________________
May: __________________
June: ____________________
July: ______________________
Aug: _______________________
Sept: _________________________
Oct: _________________________
Nov: _________________________
Dec: _____________________


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