
Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Rebecca Wells

I just read Little Altars Everywhere for the second time. I cry through the entire last chapter.
There is so much wisdom there:
the way you trust your parents as a kid...the way they are like God to you, almost, in how you imprint on what they say and do...the way you are shocked to find that their mistakes scar you...the way that, in the end, love and grace are stronger than the hurt.

I'm trying to read Ya-ya again, but I just don't like it as much as L.A.E.

JD Salinger

If asked to come up with a favorite author, I really think he'd be it. I thought I had to ditch him when I became a Christian.
I used to read his books to death.

I'm reading Franny and Zooey again, because Catherine started reading Nine Stories. I was so excited, because a central idea in her life is what I'd call 'purity'. Not sexual, but purity of heart, motive, etc. She values 'real', 'authentic'...she eschews all things phony.

I'm excited for her to read Salinger, because I think this is a central idea in his writing.


Jessica said...

me and my mom read Little Altars Everywhere and The Ya-Ya Sisterhood together way before the movies came out. and it was so good.

At the time, i thought L.A.E. seemed better because i identified better with the age-group. But I think that it just is better in general.

I do, as well, agree with the suggested notion that your parents leave a huge impression on you.

i have yet to read Salinger; but we'll have to see.

love you!

Anonymous said...


i love when i hear from you!

i haven't seen the movies...should i even bother?

i'm gonna visit your blog. right now.