
Saturday, November 1, 2008

that rascal Pascal

I learned something very interesting the other day.
You know Pascal's wager...his idea that to believe in God is reasonable, because:

1. If you believe, and come to the end of your days and find that the whole idea of Christianity was false, you haven't lost anything. In fact, keeping to Christian teachings probably spared you some trouble/heartache thru the years.
2. If you believe, and come to the end and find that Christianity is true, you have just gained everything.
3. If you don't believe, and come to the end and find that Christianity is true, you will have lost everything.

Therefore, the idea goes, believing is your best, most logical bet. Reasonable.

The other day I heard that this idea was never intended to be an evangelistic one...and I was relieved. ((Theoretical belief? Humoring God? Seemed bad and insincere to me.))

Pascal came up with this idea to battle the idea of his day that faith was for weak-minded people, and Reason was the way. He wanted to expose this idea...showing how using reason itself can make a case for faith.

Pascal's wager wasn't meant to lead people to Christ; it was meant to challenge a contemporary idea and turn it on its head.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

i agree with the insincerity of that belief. but that does seem to challenge the idea of that time. very neat. I wonder if that Pascal is the same as the mathematician that founded Pascal's triangle. hmm. awesome guy regardless.

very neat. thanks for sharing.