
Monday, November 17, 2008

Doug - Benefit #1

Lucas came out of his room last night, holding Doug and asking me to watch him for a while. He was trying to do something, "and Doug won't leave me alone! I just want to relax and he keeps pestering me...", etc.

But then he stopped, looked at me and we both just laughed....because for the hour before, Lucas had been pestering me to make him mashed potatoes..then a PB and J...about 10 times each request...we'd already eaten, and I was sitting and reading, trying to get rid of a headache. I'd repeatedly told him to make his own sandwich,that I'd walk him through how to make the (instant!) mashed potatoes...

So with his complaining about the pug, I started to point it all out...and he cut me off, with a silly/contrite face, and said, "I know, I get it. I'm really sorry."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's cute!

(Poor Nick!)