
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Midlife Crisis - Controlled Version - An Introduction

While talking with a friend about midlife crises generally, we recounted the array of symptoms we've witnessed in women-in-ml-crisis in our circles, from the mild-superficial (new hair!) to the extreme-superficial (new...uh, bra size!), from the mild-deep (new job!) to the extreme-deep (new husband!).

Please, don't read judgment here. I think midlife crises are about more than just lamenting lost youth. 
They're actually pretty profound. 
A sudden realization that time is short, facing the fact that more years has been spent than are left, a shocking awareness that if you don't do something will likely be left undone, forever. 

In fact, so much not-judgment here that I was thinking, "I want to have one!!" I just don't want to do anything   too mad/crazy/irrevocable.

And the idea emerged:  Midlife Crisis - Controlled Version.
And so far it's been GREAT, here are some of the 'big' aspects of MLC-CV:

Feb 2011: BRACES.
Watch videos I made about my experience.
 It's probably the most boring VLOG in the world.
But funny, these videos get 100s of views, comments, private messages. Adult braces are on the rise.

Fall 2011:  FITNESS. 
I've written about this before. Two of my friends helped me get started with this. Sorta walk/jog/walk/jog, increasing the jog times. My first 5k with them took me 45 minutes.
Between their help and dropping wt (which I may or may not discuss on this blog, haven't decided yet!), it's unbelievalbe to say this, but I can actually jog (on treadmill) 3 mi. under 10 min pace. Who knows where all this will lead. I used to say I'd never be able to really run again. I'm not saying that anymore.

Late 2011/Early 2012  ACQUIRING A GENTLEMAN.
This quest is well documented on this blog =) 

Spring 2012 HAIRRRRRR.
Contrast-ey Highlights, like Rogue (X-Men).
I will make a separate post about this, and put pictures. Because the post will be about the stylist, who is adorable and special.

And MLC-CV is nowhere near completion. In fact, I feel like it's just begun.
My Reader Friends:  Feel free to share any great midlife crisis tips, ideas, cautions, anything really. I love your input.


Shannon said...

Shannon said...

On a slightly more serious note, I saw an art exhibit in Québec with lots of paintings by people like Frida Kahlo...but one of the paintings (not by her) had, among other things, an image of the artist doing battle with a clock. I get that...

Shannon said...

Ok, another link.
Robin Mckinley, one of my favorite authors, is doing this serial story on her blog that I love. Unfortunately, it's up to episode 26 right now, and I don't know if anyone is interested in all that back reading. :)

But the main character is making major life changes...and I thought of you while I was reading it today.