
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Dating Kiki 2.0: Thoughts on Dating from two awesome Moms

((from my personal correspondence w/ Carol =) re: dating/boys/love/etc))

"My mom never really talked about dating with me, but she did give me some nuggets of goodness along the way. 
1.  Just because he's a great guy doesn't mean he's a great guy for you.  Don't force it.  Don't feel like you have to try to make it work just because
2.  When it is right, seriously, you will know.  It will be easy and you will be surprised how easy it is to be together. 
3.  The question is never if you can live with's always if you can live without him."

((From my old myspace blog. EE is a writer who I love to death. The mood thing is just something myspace did back in 2007.))
Current mood:chipper
Elisabeth Elliott's mama had two bits of advice regarding guys:
1. Never chase them.
2. Keep them at arms' length.
She was voted the Spoon Girl at her university. I think that means that this advice must work.

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