
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Dating Kiki 2.0 - Episode 11 Kiki (Jr.)

We'd been enjoying online chats for a while.
Seemed to have some things in common.
Decided on a coffee date....we know the drill by now:  Cautious investment of time and money to feel the potential out.

Online, this one's magnificent: Witty, attractive, authentic (as much as can be online, ya know...)
Getting there:  Driving from work, but no air in my car. I'm sweaty and my hair is matted to my face. Clothes are wet. Walk in, scan the room...and:

The IRL person FAR EXCEEDED every impression, pretty much immediately!!!

And before this post gets unclear, I'll just spill the beans:

Carol and I met in real life!

And I'll be crystal clear: It wasn't romantic. It was just a hunch from talking online that we're kindred. And then a realization that we live close to each other.

And it turns out the massive amount of connections/ahas/yeses/coincidences make that hunch the understatement of the week.

We went to the same school (just years apart)
We knew the same people (just at diff. times in our lives)
We have had similar jobs (and she just happens to have met one of my bffs, who just happens to also read this blog)
We've done the same things (it's just we can't usu say what they are b/c most ppl think we're weird)
We have the same personality letters (just exactly)

At one point, I felt like saying, "Oh, did you come of my mom's uterus, too? ((She would have just nodded casually, b/c by that point every single thing we ever did was similar and it was almost not surprising anymore, and I'd have just nodded knowingly and said,)) Yeah, I figured..."

When it was time to go, we joked about our hug and the awkward back pat and how many hours we should wait to send the thank you text and how many days before the next call. And we dubbed her Kiki Jr.

And it was lovely, and I wish all of us could get have a Dating Kiki Wrap Up Party when i am finished with Dating Kiki 2.0. (Maybe Alaskan Cruise? Perennia?)

In Episode 12, we will explore the question:  When exactly am I supposed to be finished with Dating Kiki 2.0?


Anonymous said...

hehehe This post is the MOST awesome of all! :D It was SO much fun to meet you and yes, the amount of things we have in common was almost comical. How many times could I nod my head in agreement without feeling foolish? Apparently, many. LOL You are a rockstar, really. At least, that is how I think of you. Kiki the rockstar. :D!!!!!!

Perennia said...

LOL, I am so jelly!! :D I hope we get our coffee date eventually too. MWAH!