
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Dating Kiki 2.0 - Episode 6 - Gregory (so far) and Felix (cont'd)

Online Gregory: 

  • A decade or so older than I am
  • Former pastor, now a professor
  • Very cultured, very educated, very refined. 
  • (At this point, you are asking, "WHY DID HE MESSAGE KIKI? And I'd have wondered the same thing, except that he was clear: simply b/c we both like CS Lewis's non-fiction.)

Sure, it's all kinda intimidating.
And b/c I strive for realness AND have that contrarian problem, I strongly resist trying to represent myself as cultured/refined/educated. So much that I may overdo "being me"....sprinkle LOLs and immature jokes throughout the emails.
Strangely, he still suggests a phone call.

Phone Gregory:

He throws out the word 'Luddite' in his very first sentence to me (self-describes).
So I feel pretty cool when I nonchalantly counter w/ stating my opposite view ( love/dependence on technology).
 (((And nevermind that I read more than I hear these kind of .50 cent words, so often I can't pronounce them. And b/c I'm more inclined to infer meanings than I am to actually consult,  I probably often misuse these words. But he doesn't know any of that.)))

A long conversation, jumping right in to real topics: Catholicism, the problem of Hell, some family history, a little of his dating history.  I feel he is way out of my league, but as I said to my daughter and her bf, "But I guess I'll just let him figure that out for himself."  Her bf told me that is progress for me!

So we'll see --I ended the conv. by saying we could work something out on the site's email...which made him LOL???...(I asked what was funny, and he said, "We can just phone each other."  ??)  So maybe this is the probem w/ Luddites, b/c I was thinking, "But if we email/text, then we can be doing 5 other things at the same time!"

So we will see.

Felix, the current front-runner:

So he never responded to my long, honest message.
Instead, he just sent messages like nothing ever happened.
Brief, light messages. Like, "How was your day?" messages.
He asked to make a plan for the weekend.
I said yes.
I am puzzled and excited at the same time.


3:1  Odds that it will actually happen

7:1     Odds that this will not be a love connection, but instead will result in me learning another valuable Online Dating Lesson   ((Perennia already has a hunch, and told me as much. But she's not spelling out what the lesson is exactly. *sigh* She wants me to learn it for myself, grasshoppa)

 Number of Times I have been wrong about the "frontrunner" so far haha

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