- well-traveled - job and pleasure
- young-ish, hip, adventurous
- living in close proximity to my work
I suspect he's gonna find me to be a monumental bore. I have never, nor do I ever want to:
- bungee jump, sky dive, or anything that could end with my body as a splat
- hang out in s american jungles
- go clubbing in Dubai
- some stores in my town finally went 24 hrs (family of night owls)
- sometimes we get a package from UPS
- sometimes my pug does something really hilarious
So I'm honest w/ him about lifestyle difference; he still wants to meet. I walk everyday on my lunch hour, I suggest he joins me.
My kid refers to him as "The Most Interesting Man in the World", sends encouraging texts to me the day we're meeting.
It actually works out. We meet at lunchtime, walk around the city I work in, talking the whole time. Conversation is easy.
He's really super cool. I believe the things he tells me about his job/travel. Maybe I'm naive, but it all feels genuine.
We end up talking about relationship stuff, which surprises me...because I really did just want to hear more about his adventures. I can't imagine how he'll connect with me & what my life's about right now. (Not YOLO, but more like EIDHCFKMRT [everything I do has consequences for kids, must remember that] haha) but I give it a whirl, and explain how a person who craves the creative process ended up in a cubicle surrounded by grayish blue walls.
Turns out he has a family member in this situation -- he can extrapolate a little there.
I am thinking we're incompatible, but he's very nice and asks if we can do things before he leaves for his next exotic destination. I am really surprised, and explain why. He says the nicest thing: He'll walk with me every day until he leaves, if that's all I want to do.
(Which totally makes me want to walk with him every day until he leaves. haha)
We end the walk a little late.
My kids, after hearing about the date, are like, "LET HIM TAKE YOU PLACES. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" haha
((But he's younger than I think is good, we don't line up on more serious things than lifestyle, and they don't understand that it really is a problem if I never want to club in Dubai...))
So I'm filing Elmer under: "Fascinating People I Got to Meet as a Result of the Kiki 2.0 Dating Experiment".
On deck: Felix - Military, similar interests, no talk of meeting irl yet, but he's showing enough promise to get a blog entry =)
I would ask, have you ever traveled abroad? I was convinced I would hate it until I did it, now it's tough to keep me at home. Part of my journey is to experience new things, because until I try them I'm unsure what I like and don't like. Except the whole "splat" thing. Right with you there.
hehe I love this post. Seriously, your dating stories encourage me to keep trying! :)
Beth: You ask a great question!!! I did as a kid (military brat) and as a older kid in my early 20s (naive, to see a penpal)...I love what you say about your journey: Trying new things. I SAY WE BOTH SKYDIVE BEFORE THE DECADE'S OVER. haha
Carol: YES! Keep trying!! So I can emulate you!! Because you know what you're doing!! (Beth too! haha)
Girl, if you don't want him you can give him my numbah, k? :D Erm, what's "YOLO"? But anyway, what a neat person to have met! Awesome! Also, somehow your posts got lost in the ether for the last like 6 days and I never saw you had new blogs until today. :*( I hath not forsaken you, my poppet. I am getting all caught up now.
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