
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

He Can Fly

Jeb Corliss.
Lucas showed him to me.
  • Lived all over the place as a kid (TCK?)
  • Felt different, struggled w/ depression as a young man
  • Found purpose in taking risks/facing fears/DEFYING LAWS OF NATURE
It's called BASE jumping --BASE is an acronym for places they like to jump from...Buildings Antennas Spans (think bridges) Earth (think cliffs).


Perennia said...

Oh yeah, this guy is amazing!! Makes you want to jump off a cliff, right?? ... right? ;)

So have you had your son sign a legally binding contract that he will never, ever, ever do this, yet? :)

kiki said...

You need to see him TALK!
He is so so interesting, and just...exudes energy...very cool person.

Oh, and my son would that as a personal challenge to do the contractually prohibited I have to feign nonchalance about stuff like this.